Parts of Speech Review 3


Directions:  Diagram the following sentences.


  1. She has a pet snake.
  2. Oops!  I spilled the paint all over the garage floor.
  3. A luscious smell filled the kitchen.
  4. Don read three books last week.
  5. Are you going to the rock concert?
  6. Ed and Steve arm-wrestled on the table.
  7. Ingrid speaks three languages.
  8. What is a platypus?
  9. Ginger wore a mask and disguised her voice during the play.
  10. Barry looked hungrily at the barbequed chicken.
  11. Chlorine kills germs in a swimming pool.
  12. Everyone enjoyed the movie.
  13. Did you or Jeff pay that library fine?
  14. Stop!  You’re too close to the edge.
  15. Soon Mom will have a realtor’s license.